Civitans help Sandy Creek H.S.

Tue, 02/28/2006 - 4:57pm
By: Letters to the ...

As parents of Sandy Creek High School Jr. Civitan members, we would like to extend our sincerest thanks to the club members of the Fayette County and Line Creek Civitan Clubs. The two clubs have banded together to support our children’s endeavors in providing community service to those in need. Special thanks to Civitan Ray Marden, who served as the Jr. Civitan Club Builder.

With support from the Civitans, Sandy Creek High School now has a hands-free door system for use by students in wheelchairs. The clubs have been instrumental in helping the Junior Civitans with projects for the Johnson Home in Fayette County and other service activities.

The Civitan members are to be applauded for the time and effort they give. By example, they are teaching our young people how to give back to their community today and in the future. We look forward to our children’s continued membership during college and beyond with such a fine organization.

Rick Collins
Rita Collins
Janet Hortman
Cheryl Kendall
Wayne Kendall
Wyatt Haynie
Keely Haynie
Fayette County, Ga.

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