Sandy Creek Baptist honors pastor

Tue, 02/28/2006 - 4:20pm
By: Carolyn Cary

Rev. Philip Johnson
The Rev. Philip Johnson, pastor of the Sandy Creek Baptist Church, was honored by the congregation on the occasion of his tenth year of service.

The congregation dates back to 1882 through the kindness of a man who gave two acres of land “for the sum of $1 and good will.” As with most churches in the 19th century, it first began under a brush arbor.

The first wooden building was burned but another one was built and the facility has been expanded and improved since that time. Sunday School was not held until 1951 and a pastorium was built in 1966.

In 1996 the congregation was seeking a permanent pastor and it was told about an associate pastor at the Tyrone Baptist Church. However the Tyrone church hinted that they “couldn’t have him.” After listening to Johnson preach one Sunday evening, the Sandy Creek congregation selected him in a unanimous decision.

Johnson and wife, Cindi, were married in 1990 and have a daughter, Natalie, age seven. She was the first child born to a pastor serving the church at the time.

Among the gifts presented to him were a set of “smiley” golf balls, so when he lost one, he would have a reason to smile when he found it. A glass plaque with the church emblazoned on it was presented to the family, along with a love offering.

Johnson’s sermon was based on John 15, versus 7 — 11, with the theme being “How To Live in a World of Disbelief.”

“With love in your hearts,” he said, “a person who abides in Christ abides in security. Everyone wants to be happy and God wants to give us joy.

“I consider it a point of personal privilege and a joy to have served for the past 10 years. What a blessing you are to me and my family as we have grown together in Christ and grown in a church family that is a joy for us all.”

Among the local names associated with the church in the last 124 years are Adamson, McElwaney, Walker, Forrest, Mayfield, Elder, Ellington, Smith, and Perkins, among others.

The church is located at 1082 Sandy Creek Road and can be reached at 770-964-9691.

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