Fville Bank of America robbed Sat. by two gunmen

Sat, 01/09/2010 - 1:38pm
By: Ben Nelms

Fayetteville Police are searching for two black men who robbed the Bank of America at Ga. Highway 314 and New Hope Road near the Pavilion shopping center early this [Saturday] afternoon.

Investigators are also hoping that customers who reportedly picked up some of the money in the parking lot will contact police.

Both suspects had handguns and wore black "hoodie" sweatshirts and masks, police said. One of the suspects was described "heavyset" at approximately 200 pounds while the other suspect was smaller, police said.

The two men displayed hand guns and ordered everyone to get on the ground. After robbing the bank the two men fled the area on foot, according to Fayetteville Police spokesperson Steve Crawshaw.

The suspects fled the bank on foot with two bags containing an undisclosed amount of money, police said. Police employed tracker dogs to try to pick up the robbers' trail.

One of those bags of cash was dropped about a block away near the intersection of Burnside Drive, leaving some money scattered on the ground. That's about a block up New Hope Road from the bank and is an entrance into a new residential subdivision.

Crawshaw said some of the money was recovered in the parking lot by police, with surveillance video showing that money was also picked up by customers in the parking lot.

Police are reviewing video to identify the robbers, witnesses and customers that recovered money, Crawshaw said.

Anyone that has any information or that recovered any of the money is asked to contact the Fayetteville Police Department at 770-461-4441.

The very same branch was robbed Aug. 15 but police several weeks later made an arrest in that case.

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suggarfoot's picture
Submitted by suggarfoot on Sun, 01/10/2010 - 7:31pm.

Don't laugh, but in Europe, it helps stop crime before it starts. It cost very little. They have cameras put up by the police...out..side.. business...and on intersections. This is a big deterrent for crime. If you have a look at the car and the person ...before...they go into a bank..it helps.
Robbers know this and go on to easier targets.

We were all involved in 9/11 but around that time England had a terrorist blow up their 'tube' they took the surveillance tapes, watched them, and within a day or two, had tracked them from the station back to the ...HOUSE... the guy came out of. An unbroken chain!

This would cut down on number of police, crime, and legal fees.

just my 2 cents

Submitted by PTCGOIL on Sat, 01/09/2010 - 2:25pm.

Gee, 2 black men. So what else is new?

And, tell me, with the past robbery on the books, has B of A put an armed guard on duty there?

Fled on foot? Musta needed some a that cash to buy a getaway car. Oh, wait, they steal those, too, don't they?

Submitted by Spyglass on Sat, 01/09/2010 - 4:20pm.

what else is new..the story never changes for some folks. Wait until our resident defender gets here....it wasn't those guys fault...blah, blah, blah.

Evil Elvis's picture
Submitted by Evil Elvis on Sun, 01/10/2010 - 1:19am.

To offer up a pre-emptive David's Mom response:

"This is terrible. A horrible crime. And the people responsible should be found and punished. Nobody wants to live near crime. But I'm tired of all the race-baiting, hatred and out-and-out racism on these boards. In the three years since I published my groundbreaking first post on thecitizen.com exposing the atrocious racism in Fayette County, things have only gotten worse. I've always said my reason for being here was to shine a light on that racism and expose it for what it is. White people rob banks too. And they commit an insanely high number of white collar crimes. And they fiddle children at rates well beyond that of black men -- and no I cannot point to anything to prove that assertion. I base my perception of whites as child molesters on what the media shows me. You know, the same media that shows blacks as armed robbers. But they're wrong about that. Okay, so let's recap: Bank robbers ET AL are BAD. Whites molest kids. Blacks are misrepresented in the media. Fayette County is filled with racist rednecks that this grandmother has exposed for three years. Come, kiss me."

tampabayjay's picture
Submitted by tampabayjay on Sun, 01/10/2010 - 3:12pm.

First, a quote from Jesse Jackson to the NYT about profiling in 1997.

Even civil rights leaders profile. “There is nothing more painful for me at this stage in my life,” Jesse Jackson said several years ago, “than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery—and then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”

And for some painfully true humor, check out Chris Rocks black people versus *******. You may not like what you hear, but you cannot deny the truth of it.

Submitted by skyspy on Sun, 01/10/2010 - 6:03am.

That was a perfect imitation.

I'm shocked that once again our local newspaper is trying to help the cops find the bad guys by printing a description of the suspects.

In Italy they have one or two policeman with fully automatic weapons standing at the front door of every bank. What would happen if more criminals died in the act of committing a crime? Would crime go up or down?

Submitted by skyspy on Sun, 01/10/2010 - 8:49pm.

The only thing I make fun of here is the fact that some people will cry fowl when the description of a criminal involves a black person. The only reason they describe a criminal is to find them.

Until all the kids tipped off the Sheriff's dept. they didn't have a description for the horse shooter. If they had a description I bet it would have been posted here. Instead we got his mug shot of his sorry butt, and his dead eyes. The arrest happened that quickly.

Again why do you object to the description of criminals only when it involves black people?

Submitted by kevin king on Mon, 01/11/2010 - 1:04am.

No one actually cried foul here because the paper described the perp...no one. I am just crying foul at the "Oh gollee gee, another black committed a crime (eyes rolling)" comments. I don't see where those comments are consistent "Oh gollee gee. Another white kid intentionally hurt an animal (eyes rolling)." And, for the life of me, I don't see where they are constructive.
Doesn't mean I don't dig ya or your ability to transform a house Laughing out loud


Submitted by skyspy on Mon, 01/11/2010 - 6:10am.

After reading all of the comments I get your point.

Submitted by Davids mom on Mon, 01/11/2010 - 10:34am.

Thank you for your persistence in pointing out what many do not realize. You are a good friend to them - for many would just drop such thinkers from their 'friend' list. Racist lessons have been carefully taught to all Americans. We're getting so much better - and I believe the discussions help many (not just 'Whites') to deal with their racist attitudes and work towards correcting these attitudes. Wisdom is beginning to take hold - and we are all trying to judge people by their actions - not their skin color. It appears that some here think that only 'Whites' are racist. This is not reality. Again, thanks Kevin.

Submitted by MYTMITE on Sun, 01/10/2010 - 3:53pm.

nothing to reduce the crime rate is that at least that dead criminal will no longer be adding to the statistics.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sun, 01/10/2010 - 4:38pm.

Shooting criminals does nothing to reduce the crime rate....

Beg to differ dear lady. Do a web search and check out the percentage of repeat offenders on early release or parole and then do the math. Hypothetically shoot them and then do the math. I like the numbers....not to mention the taxpayer savings in not having to incarcerate these predators in the future. Works for me although I doubt the libs would approve. They lose voters...(wink wink). Eye-wink

Just Like Welfare and Socialized Medicine - You Don't Have To Work For It.... THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE

Submitted by skyspy on Sun, 01/10/2010 - 5:53pm.

Defending your life against a criminal saves the taxpayers a lot of money, it saves the cops a lot of paper work, it also saves the criminal an empty life.

Most of the criminals know they are going nowhere and will never amount to much of anything. By defending your life you save the criminals from an empty meaningless life, you save the taxpayers a lot of money, and you save the cops a lot of wasted time. Being ready and armed to defend your life is win, win, win for everyone.

Submitted by skyspy on Sun, 01/10/2010 - 8:57pm.

The only good criminal is a DEAD ONE!!

Now where I have I only singled out one race again??

I have been very consistent. I really hate criminals. It doesn't matter to me what race they are. They are a waste of my money and the clean air I need to breath, and I hate them.

We may disagree on this and you may think ill of me, but you are still one of the best neighbors I have had, and I still consider you a friend. Take care

Submitted by PTC Observer on Sun, 01/10/2010 - 10:35am.

It is true that in Italy they have police with fully automatic weapons in front of every bank, they are there to shoot depositors that want to remove their money.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Sun, 01/10/2010 - 10:41am.

one messed up place.
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

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