King funeral displayed bad behavior

Tue, 02/21/2006 - 4:45pm
By: Letters to the ...

I watched the eulogy of Coretta Scott King as long as I could before I had to walk away from the TV. It wasn’t from the sadness I felt from her passing, but the despicable behavior of most of the Democrats as they made a political circus of this great lady’s eulogy.

I’ve always believed that, since the death of Senator Paul Wellstone, the Democratic politicians could sink no lower than they did when they exploited his death with their outrageous behavior during his eulogy.

But I was wrong because, at this time of mourning, their disgraceful performance at Mrs. King’s eulogy has shown their disrespect and utter disregard of the King family’s sorrow and our country’s remorse and respect for Mrs. King.

Although they feigned sadness at times, it was clear that their unparalleled display of ignorance and indifference was only conducted to further their wretched political views.

Surprisingly, former President Clinton showed that he was above the mud-slinging by giving a heartfelt tribute to Mrs. King. But for the rest of them to use the eulogy as a platform to criticize the President of the United States was an insult to her family and our country and they should apologize to President Bush and all Americans for their contemptible display.

The repugnant behavior of Joseph Lowery (who, by the way, is a reverend) and the egotistical rantings of former President Carter, interspersed with hateful rhetoric which he and other Democrats gleefully directed toward our President while pretending to honor Coretta Scott King is unforgivable.

The Democrats, in their continued attempt to win votes by wallowing in the mud, have brought politics to a new low and it’s unbelievable that they would think that their dishonorable and disrespectful behavior would help them at the polls. America didn’t forget their sick antics during Senator Wellstone’s eulogy and we will also never forget their exploitation of Mrs. King’s death.

At least, once again, President Bush showed his class and stood far and above those pathetic do-nothing politicians.

Ralph Suchomel
Peachtree City, Ga.

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