Town Hall meeting on Healthcare and Cap & Trade coming Oct. 15

Tue, 10/06/2009 - 2:46pm
By: The Citizen

The Southern Crescent Tea Party Patriots will hold a Healthcare and Cap & Trade Town Hall meeting on Oct. 15 at 7 p.m. at Christ Church at Whitewater. Organizers said the emphasis will be on healthcare.

Speakers at the meeting will include Dr. Brian Hill, Ron Bachman, Damon Green from the Herman Cain radio show and Rep. Matt Ramsey.

Dr. Hill is a urologist has been interviewed by Sean Hannity, Larry King, Fox News, CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC Nightly News after his recent healthcare-related comments to U.S. Congressman David Scott at one of Scott’s town hall meetings.

Bachman, who spoke on healthcare at a recent Southern Crescent forum, is a Senior Fellow with Health Care Transformation

Green’s comments will focus on the Cap & Trade initiative.

Rep. Matt Ramsey will provide information on the ways to impact the political process.

Christ Church at Whitewater is located at 1577 Ga. Highway 85 South Fayetteville.

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