F’ville to encourage business development

Tue, 09/29/2009 - 3:15pm
By: Ben Nelms

The agenda for the Oct. 1 meeting of the Fayetteville City Council will include a first reading to extend the partial exemption on the impact fee and sewer proportionate fee ordinance and the removal of several job positions.

The proposal would continue the 50 percent reduction for the redevelopment and reuse of existing retail spaces such as restaurants and medical offices. The extension applies only to non-residential spaces where a higher use would require additional fees.

The partial exemption was approved for a last year to encourage the use of existing vacant commercial properties and to help boost the local economy during the recession and has proven somewhat successful in encouraging the use of existing commercial spaces, according to city staff.

City staff is recommending an extension that will take effect on Dec. 1 and run until May 31, 2010.

Also at the meeting, the council will consider approving several staff positions that have been removed from the city personnel roster and are not being filled. These include the planning and zoning director, a civil engineer, facilities maintenance coordinator, planning technician, mechanic and deputy city clerk. The council will consider adding the position of special projects coordinator. The proposed position will start at $38,437.

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