Cleveland Elementary - Georgia to Georgia

Tue, 09/22/2009 - 4:27pm
By: The Citizen

On Aug. 21, U.S. Government-sponsored Counterpart International's Community & Humanitarian Assistance Program (CHAP) and the U.S. Marine Corps' representatives in Georgia arranged a joint charity event. The assistance in the form of clothing, toys, shoes and boots, worth over $8,390.00 was distributed among 121 children sheltered in Digomi Orphanage of Tbilisi and Saguramo Educational Institution, Mtskheta-Mtianeti region. The representatives of U.S. Marine Corps and Counterpart's staff participated in the event.

Several months ago U.S. Marine Sergeant Mr. David Zelagin addressed Counterpart's CHAP (Community & Humanitarian Assistance Program) / Georgia office with a request to provide a support in delivering aid to orphanages in Georgia - Russia. The "Georgia to Georgia" charity drive was initiated and supported by Cleveland Elementary school with the help of Mrs. Connie Zelagin (David's mom and a Para Professional at Cleveland Elementary) in conjunction with Fayette Intermediate School. "Georgia to Georgia" benefited many children overseas in Atlanta's sister city of Tbilisi in the Republic of Georgia. The donation of more than 500 pounds of clothes, shoes and other essential goods were distributed to the children by the Marine Security Guards of the U.S. Embassy Tbilisi, Georgia. This project has minimized the suffering of many less-fortunate Georgian children and brought joy and happiness to their hearts.

U.S. Marine Sergeant David Zelagin was home for a brief time and was able to present Cleveland Elementary a Certificate of Commendation for their participation and support to the Orphanages in Georgia. Georgia to Georgia was a huge success.

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