Don't criticize the President as you could be called a…

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RACIST. Instead, vent your disgust against Polesi or Reid as that is prefectly OK.

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Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sat, 10/10/2009 - 7:01pm.

That would a great start David's Mom. A great start indeed. You starting with an admission of the FACT that the vast majority of opposition to President Obama's agenda has NOTHING to do with the color of his skin at all, but rather our concern for the direction he is taking us governmentally would be a terrific healing start.

But worry not...I did not mistake your apology as being directed at me in any way, shape or form.

But note.... I will NOT ignore your personal attacks on conservatives or those who differ from your views in spite of how you camouflage them in your kindly little old lady false persona.

Obama.... The Bernie Madoff Of Washington

carbonunit52's picture
Submitted by carbonunit52 on Sat, 10/10/2009 - 6:49pm.

"Can't we all just get along?"

It's not easy being the carbonunit

Joe Kawfi's picture
Submitted by Joe Kawfi on Sun, 09/20/2009 - 9:23am.

The loud cry - "it's not about race" - usually comes from those who have just a 'taint' of racism in their reasoning.

So by your reasoning, when people defend themselves when the fringe media relates their opposition to bad policy to be nothing but racism, if they defend themselves by saying "no, it's about bad policy", then that is "code word" for it's actually about race.

Never before in our great county's history has one administration tripled the deficit and passed a spending bill so large that did so little to help the infrastructure.

But yet when the fringe media (MSNBC) attempts to accuse people of racism by editing footage of a person carrying an AR-15 at an Obama rally. The footage from the fringe media only show the person carrying the weapon from the neck down and then question if there is some sort of "racial overtone" when people carry weapons.

Further footage that was edited out of the story show that the man carrying the weapon was black.

MSNBC edits clip of man with gun at Obama rally to support racism narrative

This is what the liberals and the fringe media do when they lose the argument on Obama's policies. They either cry "bbbut Bush did it!" or "racism"

You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sun, 09/20/2009 - 1:04am.

It's not about race. I know former President Carter's intentions are well meaning... even in botched foreign policy issues. And on this issue he is dead wrong. This has NOTHING to do with race. It has nothing to do with Pelosi being a woman or Harry Reid being a friggin' idiot. It's ALL about policy issues. The race baiting that is going on is nothing more than a smoke screen for those that can't effectively address the issues of the concerned on my side. Mr. Carter's comments were truly unfortunante and out of line. President Obama's own analysis of the resisitance to his "change" is dead on.

Remember the effective cry "It's The Taxes Stupid"? Well this time 'It's the Policy Issues Stupid'!

My deepest admiration for Jimmy Carter is, as Dawn put it, Habitat For Humanity. Not always perfect results with some of the characters that abused the program...... but a tremendous stepping stone for the vast majority. Habitat For Humanity ultimately will be Jimmy's greatest legacy.

Imagine that... a hand-up program that is successful. Hmmmm private sector controlled and accountability, responsibility and participation required of the recipient. Hmmmmmm.... Sounds like some personal responsibility is requried for success. Eye-wink

Obama.... The Bernie Madoff Of Washington

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Sun, 09/20/2009 - 10:49am.

I was surprised that the talk shows conflated his remarks to be about the health debate when they were clearly addressing the intensity of animosity toward President Obama which is what both the question and answer were about:

Carter: Race plays role in Obama dislike

Of course it's easier to criticize what they wish he had said instead of what he actually said which seems to me undeniably true although I'd argue over the "overwhelming" part.

It's funny to me that all the talk shows over the past week started out by more or less claiming that Carter said all opposition to Obama is racist and the comments were an unnecessary distraction from the issues then go on to discuss nothing but that for the entire show day after day (thus adding to the distraction they were decrying) with people calling in claiming that they're not racist therefore his comments were not correct as if disproving the strawman argument they concocted was relevant somehow. My son and I listened to Medved expound that Carter was stoking a racial apocalypse and endangering the country by igniting the upcoming race war and declaring that there was no more important issue facing America today. We were entertained by his lunatic raving for the hour or so that we listened then it became repetitive and boring. What utter nonsense. A great big tempest in a little bitty teapot.

BTW: I hope you got back in the market soon enough to catch this huge Obama rally.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sun, 09/20/2009 - 4:10pm.

And if you are right then I screwed up by listening to the main stream media that your side sites as gospel. Regardless... the animosity that the vast majority of us have toward President Obama has absolutely NOTHING to do with his being half white. I refer back to THIS as to being vastly more accurate than you dad regardless to whether he was sound-bit or not.

BTW: I hope you got back in the market soon enough to catch this huge Obama rally.

Obama rally eh? LOL! I have capitalized a bit in spite of the volatility that lies beneath the market's surface. Listen Jeff, I have never denied the potential of stabilization of the markets and economy once we started bumping across the bottom. I have even said on here that I expect the economy to stabilize this fall and into 2010. If fact I have predicated business decisions along this thought process. It is after 2010 or 2011 that troubles me with the butchering the dollar has taken place via the fabricating of money from blank pieces of worthless paper and spreading it liberally around the economy to compete against us little people's hard earned monies. This and the unbelievable and irresponsible massive of debt and wasteful spending that Obama has instituted during his reign will cause severe inflation as the economy does start to pick up and these fabricated / phony dollars start competing against goods earned legitimately by those of us who can't print our own greenbacks.

Be prepared... the conditions to breed the perfect storm are in place. And the next downturn is going to make your dad's inflationary economic times seem like prosperous ones indeed. Obama's gonna take that monkey of your dad's back. Eye-wink Just give him a little time.

As far as that Obama Rally goes, (LOL) I'm doing very well with my international funds. Especially those Red China funds. Smiling

Enjoy this rally which is based not on free market principles.. but propped up by phony monies which will disintegrate in the not to distant future. So the time will come Jeff when Git will pull out and sit it out again...... Hope your there with me.

Obama.... The Bernie Madoff Of Washington

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Sun, 09/20/2009 - 7:25pm.

Of course nobody actually said that the opposition to his health care was racially based but when asked Obama played it perfectly. Made him look above the fray.

I think the whole plan was to have the economy looking good for the 2010 elections. All that doom and gloom by the Rs about how Obama et. al. were going to destroy the economy is going to be replayed ad nauseum by the Ds. Looks good for the Ds in 2010 from here. I'm actually hoping the other side picks up a few seats and swings the overall picture back from the left a little. Doesn't look like much change coming to me though as I see it now. The Rs are in a bad place and don't seem to know what to do and they have no leaders in the Party which is why Rush can control everything. It looks like they squandered the tea party thing which could have been really good for them and they're fooling themselves on the health care support they temporarily have. What they need is a good community organizer type of guy that understands organization. What they have is Michael Steele who, by the way, if they drop will be for purely racist reasons. LOL.

TV? I don't watch it. I haven't watched 2 hours of TV in a month although I am looking forward to the new House premier tomorrow night.

As to all that new money, you should buy one of those new Canon printers. My new money looks better than the originals.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Mon, 09/21/2009 - 12:26pm.

Of course nobody actually said that the opposition to his health care was racially based

Let's just agree that you, your dad and Obama, coupled with a FEW others never said the opposition to HIS health care was racially based. Many have.... even on here.

but when asked Obama played it perfectly. Made him look above the fray.

Absolutely. I truly hope he was sincere and showing leadership and not mouthing those statements for political showmanship. If he indeed meant it..... the he truly stood above the fray on this one.

I think the whole plan was to have the economy looking good for the 2010 elections.

Without a doubt sir!!!! That is why a tremendous bulk of the stimulus spending won't be released until after the first of the year. There will be a temporary and fundamentally false surge from this release of funds that will prop the economy up closer to election time for political purposes. And for "political purposes" is not what is good and healthy for this country in coming years. So for that reason..... the concept of "looking good" is despicable at best. As I outlined prior, it will only contribute to and strengthen the economic storm that lies beyond the 2010 elections.

So when you say "All that doom and gloom by the Rs about how Obama et. al. were going to destroy the economy is going to be replayed ad nauseum by the Ds. Looks good for the Ds in 2010 from here.", you are spot on with that analysis providing something unforeseen shows up over the economic horizon between now and then.

Doesn't look like much change coming to me though as I see it now. The Rs are in a bad place and don't seem to know what to do and they have no leaders in the Party

Oh, I have to entirely concur on this point too. Looking at the start of GOP Spring Camp coming up, it appears the Republicans are going to once again be leaderless when it comes to selecting their upcoming starting rotation. What a shame... because your side does need to be pulled back from the brink of left-wing abyss. Yet there is no hope for effective and meaningful leadership rising from the ashes at this point in time to offer up many of the sound alternatives that exist to what is being raced through legislation at this moment and being forced upon the American peoples.

What they have is Michael Steele who, by the way, if they drop will be for purely racist reasons. LOL.

Funny indeed... Eye-wink

TV? I don't watch it. I haven't watched 2 hours of TV in a month

Hmmmmm.... I'm with you. I've let it zap enough of my intellectual juice over the years. I prefer the respite received in ample measure that comes from turning that garbage off.

As to all that new money, you should buy one of those new Canon printers. My new money looks better than the originals.

As to all that new money, you should buy one of those new Canon printers. My new money looks better than the originals.

Funny you should say that. I made a pretty hefty investment in a Canon printer used for marketing purpose here at GIT International a couple of years ago. If I understand that copier correctly, and if I were to duplicate real 'dead presidents', The copier will shut down and tech will have to be called. At which time the Secret Service is required to be notified. Any validity to that???

Hey... wanna another cup of coffee?

Obama.... The Bernie Madoff Of Washington

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Mon, 09/21/2009 - 5:39pm.

I'm using one of their copiers. How do you think they live so well on their salaries?

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Mon, 09/21/2009 - 5:58pm.

Perhaps you get a pass... you know... being the former president's son and all. Heck.. I'll bet you even know where president's 'book of secrets' is kept. Eye-wink

Obama.... The Bernie Madoff Of Washington

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