PTC cuts 4 jobs at Kedron

Fri, 07/17/2009 - 3:58pm
By: John Munford

Swim team fees also hiked to boost revenue

In another cost-cutting move, the Peachtree City Council Thursday night eliminated one full-time and three part-time positions at the Kedron Fieldhouse and Aquatic Center.

The proposal would save about $100,000 a year and includes six weeks of severance pay and medical insurance coverage.

The positions that will be eliminated include a full time leisure program coordinator and part time positions of one customer service representative and two maintenance technicians.

In a separate vote, council also approved a fee increase for the various swim teams that use the Kedron facility on a regular basis. The fee changes will more than double the current swim team revenues of $9,000.

The new fees would be assessed hourly, with $3 per lane per hour for all school teams, masters teams and the Southern Crescent Aquatic Team.

The fees are less than the $32 per month per swimmer originally suggested by city staff. The fees were originally recommended to be higher for the SCAT team but was lowered from $4 to $3 per hour based on information that SCAT is a non-profit agency.

According to city staff, the high school and masters teams have very few out of county swimmers and SCAT has about 10 percent of its swimmers living out of county.

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