James Flohr attains the rank of Eagle Scout

Fri, 06/26/2009 - 3:42pm
By: The Citizen

James Flohr attains the rank of Eagle Scout

Approximately 85 people attended an afternoon Court of Honor as James Edward Flohr, a member of Boy Scout Troop 172, was awarded the rank of Eagle Scout. The ceremony was held in the Rainbow Room at New Hope Baptist Church which is the sponsoring organization for Troop 172.

Flohr began his scouting experience in 1998 as a Cub Scout in Pack 182 which was sponsored by North Fayette United Methodist Men’s Group and met at North Fayette United Methodist Church. He progressed through Cub Scouts earning the ranks of Bobcat, Wolf Bear and Webelos while a member of Pack 182. As a Webelos, he received the highest award offered in Cub Scouts, the Arrow of Light.

In 2002, Flohr crossed over from Cub Scout Pack 182 to Boy Scout Troop 182. As a member of Troop 182, he served as Troop quartermaster and advanced to the rank of 2nd Class Scout. In the spring of 2004, Flohr joined Troop 172 at New Hope Baptist Church, his home church, as a result of following his father who had accepted the position of Scoutmaster at Troop 172. While at Troop 172, Flohr served as Senior Patrol Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, Patrol Leader and Assistant Patrol Leader. Flohr earned the 50 miler award as a result of his participation in a Flint River Council Contingent trek at Philmont Scout Ranch. James Flohr is the sixth Boy Scout from Troop 172 to earn the rank of Eagle Scout.

For his Eagle Scout project, Flohr coordinated the complete renovation and upgrading of the fluorescent lighting and installation of incandescent track lighting in choir practice room at New Hope Baptist Church (North Campus). A professionally designed lighting plan was obtained from Cooper Lighting, approximately three thousand dollars was raised to provide for the necessary fixtures, lamps and certified electrical installation. Numerous hours of volunteer work were completed by the members of Troop 172, family and friends to bring project from concept to completion under Flohr’s direction.

During the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Flohr offered a prayer of thanksgiving to God for all those who He has used to love and mentor James and whose influence has helped develop him into the man that he is today. During the ceremony, James’s Eagle Medal was presented to him by his mother, Millie Flohr. His father, David Flohr, presented James with the Eagle Certificate, Eagle badge, an embroidered Eagle neckerchief with custom-made slide and a handmade “Vigilant Eagle” plaque in recognition of James’ achievement of the rank of Eagle Scout. James Flohr then awarded Eagle statutes to George Harris and Ryan Forse in recognition of their many hours of work toward the completion of his Eagle Project. In addition, a statue with two Eagles in flight was awarded to Mr. Tim Forse to symbolize his support and guidance which “helped me to fly”. Finally, Mr. Flohr presented both his wife Millie and daughter April hand made ‘Vigilant Eagle’ plaques in recognition of their selfless support of him in his role as a Cub Scout and Boy Scout Leader and in recognition of their support of both James and his brother Richard Flohr (Eagle Scout – Troop 182) on their quest towards the rank of Eagle. Following the ceremony, a reception was held in the Rainbow room where tables full of Scout memorabilia chronicling Flohr's Scouting history were on display.

Flohr was a member of the National Honor Society at Sandy Creek High School and is an Honors Graduate of the Class of 2009. This fall, James Flohr will attend Georgia Institute of Technology.

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