PTC’s Herobox needs web votes

Fri, 06/19/2009 - 2:44pm
By: John Munford

Non-profit sends custom care packages to overseas troops

A local non-profit group that delivers custom care packages to U.S. troops overseas is up for a national honor.

Herobox, headquartered in Peachtree City, needs the community’s help to gain the recognition and the accompanying publicity that can further its goal. The organization needs supporters to vote for it online at

To vote on the web site for Herobox, participants must click on the Atlanta Braves logo on the contest’s web site.

The top vote-getter for the Braves will be honored with those from other teams at the 2009 All-Star Game and one of the winners will be featured in People magazine.

Herobox was conceived by resident Ryan Housley who began by sending care packages to his brother, U.S. Army Spec. Evan Housley.

Now about 2,500 soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan have requested custom care packages from Herobox.

There are other way to help Herobox fulfill its mission to recognize the efforts of U.S. troops. Via, donations can be made and items can be purchased such as T-shirts and bumper stickers. Those with a loved one overseas can participate in the “adopt a soldier” program.

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