Pins for Promise Place supports Victims of Domestic Abuse

Tue, 04/28/2009 - 2:03pm
By: The Citizen

Pins for Promise Place Promise Place board members and staff at Pins For Promise Place event: L to R starting from the top row: George Martin, Promise Place Executive Director of Operations, Vanessa Motley, Amy Leuenberger, Lance Gauntt as Abzilla the World Gym Gorilla, President of the Board of Directors Leslie Torok, Nelda Wright, Dave Banks,  Bottom row: Michele Blose, Elena Dickerson

A day filled with bowling, great food and prizes, was the most recent fundraiser to help Promise Place continue to serve victims of domestic violence in Fayette, Upson, Spalding and Pike counties.  Held at Magnolia Lanes in Griffin, bowlers came from all four counties to compete for trophies donated by Vision Trophies & Engraving. Promise Place, also known as the Fayette County Counsel on Domestic Violence, has seen a great increase in violence in the recent economic downturn. In 2008 Promise Place assisted  1,685 women and 1,241 children in various ways. Over 450  women attended support groups and  197 victims were assisted with temporary protective orders, a court order that mandates that the abuser have no contact with the victim. Through their Teen  Dating Violence program, 1,724 high school students in the Fayette County schools were addressed by Promise Place volunteers about the red flags of an unhealthy  dating relationship. Their emergency shelter stays full with women and children seeking safety in a crisis. Most come with nothing but the clothes on their backs and no financial means. Promise Place provides victims all they need to get back on their feet again.
Promise Place is always in need of donations and volunteers. Volunteer opportunities include answering the 24 hour crisis line,  helping  with transportation and relocation assistance, providing childcare for weekly support groups, becoming a community advocate or Teen Dating  Violence prevention program presenter in the high schools, and helping with special events.  Financial donations, non perishable food, paper goods, and cleaning  supplies are always a need. If you would like more information on Promise Place or their programs please call 770-461-3839.

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