FBL hosting meeting Feb. 16

Tue, 02/07/2006 - 4:59pm
By: The Citizen

Fayette Biking for Life (FBL) is hosting an open meeting on Thursday, Feb. 16 from 7-8:30 p.m. at the Fayette County Public Library in Fayetteville and encourages all to attend.

The meeting will include information on how to safely ride on the road with cars; use of helmets, mirrors, and positioning on the road; “on the road maintenance” (with hands on practice); and what is needed to carry while biking. The many uses for the bicycle besides exercise will be covered, along with information about a special ride day for local scouts to aid them in earning their biking merit badge. Speakers and guests will have some interesting biking stories and experiences to pass on. Information will also be available about all the biking activities that are available including state and local rides.

An information exchange will enable the public to learn more about cycling related information and give the club an opportunity to hear what people may be looking for in their local cycling organization. Membership information will also be available. Light refreshments will be served.

FBL encourages a close knit cycling community in and around Fayette. The club promotes safe cycling habits among all types and levels of cyclists, advocates the development of cycling-friendly roads and cycling recreation areas, and provides a meeting point for all riders interested in cycling for health and recreation. For further information, call George Chambers at 770-460-8349.

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