Tethering ordinance needed in Fayette

Tue, 02/24/2009 - 3:26pm
By: Letters to the ...

I live in Fayette County with my husband John Conti. My brother and sister-in-law live in Fayetteville and my niece and nephew graduated from FCHS. I am not a breeder, nor am I affiliated with the AKC. I am not a member of PETA.

I am, however, a citizen of Fayette County who considers the long-term, unsupervised chaining of dogs cruel and dangerous.

I regret that those opposed to an anti-tethering ordinance have misrepresented the impact it would have. It would not criminalize the short-term, supervised chaining of dogs.

It is true that animal control officers find it impossible to enforce an ordinance that puts time limits on tethering, so a ban on all unsupervised tethering is often the only truly viable option.

I am quite sure that all of us who have strong feelings about this issue, pro or con, are concerned about the welfare of our canine companions, and the safety of the citizens of Fayette County.

My hope is that we can work together with our animal control director to develop an anti-tethering ordinance that will protect the welfare of animals and citizens alike.

Diane Beal

Fayette County, Ga.

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