Fayette Art Center and Gallery's “Call for Art”

Wed, 10/19/2005 - 2:32pm
By: The Citizen
12/01/2005 - 12:00am

Today is the next “Call for Art” for the Fayette Art Center and Gallery. The theme is “Family”and pieces can be positive or negative. Artists may submit up to three pieces, and the show will hang for three months. Coinciding with the show will be the First Annual “Meet Your Artists” Christmas Festival which will run Dec. 2nd, 3rd and 4th. During this festival artists are invited hang out with samples of their work (2-4 pieces) and congregate with the public. There will be live demos of the creative process as well as free workshops. It is hoped that writers, photographers as well as artist will participate. In order to show in the gallery, artists must become members. The fee is $35 a year. Once a member, entry fees will remain $5 and commissions 20%. For those joining the first time, the entry fee will be waived.