Who will get raises and who will not?

Thu, 01/15/2009 - 9:20pm
By: ivory1

Now that Fayette County Sheriff's Deparment has a new Sheriff and has new promotions, how will the county pay for all these promotions? What will happen to those who have not had a raise in four years? Will all the staff that didn't get promoted not get a raise? Will they have to wait another four years? Is the county and all higher-ups the only ones that will get a pay increase? It seems to me that those working(that didn't get promoted) for the Sheriff Department are going to get the bad end of the stick. What about people who got a high promotion with a cozy job and they do not have any added work? Are we just paying for the rank and no work? There are a few people that are just collecting a pay check and doing nothing. Is that not mis-management and wasting tax payers money?Is that fair? What happend to hard work and great work ethics? Is our Sheriff Department going to fail and fall like Clayton County?

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