Stage Coach robberies on GA-85 and 74/54!

Might I suggest that the townfolks git together and send fer a marshall to tend to thu coach robberies happening tween here and Clayton City?

A marshall Dillon sure kep them under check at one time in Dodge.
I don't know whar one sends fer sich a marshal though! Sonny don't keer and he is broke now. Judges don't hire sich peeple no more.

I got it, we throw our loose money togther, appoint a commite to minister it, and do hit ourdelf, us!
We gif the marshal say a 150 k per yar and he hires whut he needs outn thet!

If he succeeds, we give bonus. Ifn he is kilt, we hire nuther one at $200k!

No body is to questn his methods howsumever.

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