A TARP problem!

It seems now that if anything or anybody has a TARP problem, there is a new law to help you.

So many of the entities who have been robbing us blind for so long got into so much financial trouble that it was necessary not only to bail them out, bur also at least some of the peons.

It has been known for sometime that we had a lot of citizens who had rather large cowboy hats that they wore and had hardly any cattle, none for which they didn't owe. That of course is the "large hats and no cattle theory."

The problem this didn't work was that the banks were authorized to loan just anyone money for just anything--businesses, homes, autos, etc., and these people didn't have to know much of anything about business or cash flow. Neither did they have any real assets to carry them through any kind of tough times. They didn't even recognize when it was over and got out with small losses.

Times were to always get better tomorrow since real estate was increasing in value every year which could be borrowed.

I got a few offers like this several years ago for me to invest what I had in some scheme, where I was guaranteed to double my investment and collect 20% interest per year. A Mr. Fabio G. Ponzi was behind the operation, and he was from Texas. He himself failed at oil investments and baseball teams and other things until he found the TARP deal.

There were 60 million real estate agents in the country during that period, a few making millions, and the other 59 million, plus some, making $6,800 clear per year--selling two houses. Many used it as a hobby.

Now though we don't want any bank or corporation to go broke nor any executive punished, so we will concentrate on them and forget the stupid peons.

It will trickle down to them all they deserve.

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