BoE spins 3 versions of SPLOST start

Tue, 10/21/2008 - 3:24pm
By: Letters to the ...

Living in Fayette County for more than 10 years, I see that we are in the same position of more pay and no say.

Your Fayette County School Board wants you to believe that more money thrown at the school system will translate into a higher quality of education.

We are all for quality education and top-notch facilities; but please provide these things in an efficient way. The current school board exhibits continued lack of fiscal judgment and accountability.

The school board keeps touting that they have had to cut 65 positions already as a result of reduced state funding. In reality, they made these cuts because they were already over-staffed. The FCBOE was staffed for 700 students that do not exist in the school system.

Remember, the school board built Inman Elementary school, and then closed East Fayette Elementary school so they could transfer students to meet its population target.

When citizens ask questions about the timing of the ESPLOST, they receive letters from the school board attorney and snide remarks from current school board members. This again leaves many asking, “Why?”.

The ESPLOST seemed to fall from the sky after the incumbents secured their seats in the July primary and had already raised our millage rate. When asked about the discussion of the ESPLOST, the school board has several different stories that they are trying to spin into the truth.

• Version 1 — Janet Smola claims that “the FCBOE has talked about an ESPLOST for the last three years.” Truth: The ESPLOST was only mentioned in passing during school board meeting over the past three years.

• Version 2 — Sam Sweat claimed at the Fayette County Chamber of Commerce information night, “We (FCBOE) worked on it over a weekend.” Truth?

• Version 3 — Bob Todd asked when was ESPLOST discussed. Janet Smola claims that “we have been working on it for hundreds of hours.” Truth?

We can make an impact on what happens here locally within our public school system and with our local taxes. If you are in favor of greater fiscal responsibility within the FCBOE, more transparency in working with parents, and a new approach to board leadership, I need your vote in the Nov. 4 election.

I am running as a write-in candidate, Post 1 for the FCBOE. I believe in fiscal responsibility, open government, and working with parents and the community to make decisions together.

I encourage the citizens of Fayette County to stand up and make your voice heard and vote for the change we must have this Election Day.

Nicole File

Write-In Candidate Post 1

Fayette County Board of Education

Peachtree City, Ga.

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