Step forward, please!

Will those who have worked diligently so many years to dispose of the Social Security system, which helps with our retirement, please step forward and explain why many people's 401-k accounts are down about 30%? It may go down to being worth just 30% before it thinks about going back up 70%!
What are all those people who might retire during those years it takes to return going to do for money?
Whatever they draw out will have lost 30-70%!

Facts are that only a small percentage of us will ever be able to support ourselves after retirement without a guaranteed pension. Is this what you want in order to promote greed!

Why not bailout the 401-k's? Instead of bailing out Wall Street Banks, and all of the others, it appears? They caused the problem.

Now, many states of the union are asking for bail-out money due to a lack of sales tax or property tax revenues being down.
Why can't the states float their own bonds instead of Washington doing that for them? Isn't that what the republicans want? No federal interference?

Also, the FBI announced today that they had assigned so many agents to trying to find spies and terrorists and tapping phones, that they didn't have many left to hunt down and prosecute white collar criminals who have nearly bankrupted the country!
I can see the priority there!

Ever wonder why communist countries never have problems with crooked bankers, lawyers, and politicians?
Russia didn't even feel a change in 1929!
China isn't likely to feel this one.

They simply exterminate them when they find a few. Should that give us any ideas?

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