Christian Lukjan

Tue, 10/18/2005 - 5:46pm
By: Candidates Forum

Solidarity is something that our city, Peachtree City, needs. Allow me to introduce myself and explain why you want to vote for me on Nov. 8. I moved here in 1991. I went to many of the local schools and graduated from McIntosh. Later, I went to Emory University (20th in national ranking). I am an anthropologist, not an attorney like both of my opponents. Before you start wondering where you have heard of it before, Hollywood’s Indiana Jones is supposed to be an anthropologist. Anthropology is the study of humans. As an anthropologist you must gather information before you make a decision.

I love our city, but we the community of Peachtree City have problems.

Most problems stem from the disconnect between our citizens and our government. My objective is to reconnect City Hall’s agenda and time schedule with the everyday lives of the citizens. Our society is becoming fragmented. People on one side of the train tracks are effectively cut off by traffic. Old parts of the town are forgotten because the citizens have gotten older and stores have begun to close.

The joke about sidewalks rolling up at 9 p.m. holds especially true for people between 18 and 25. Businesses complain that they are being strangled. Worst, taxation goes up each year and services appear to decrease.

I have long-term goals to protect the innocence of our town, while not sacrificing the ability to live today. The right attractions will open businesses. I am known for wisdom beyond my years. I have participated in service organizations both inside Peachtree City and outside. My education allows me to understand the methods of what will work to help us.

To everyone out there, we need to reconnect our citizen’s needs with our city and not lose control of our city. We must care about the future of PTC while ensuring that accountability exists today. Some people claim that all possible options have been tried or thought of. I say that until each of us has thought of one idea, we are not out of options. My e-mail is open to ideas for today and the future at I ask whether my opponents are looking to the future

Join with me in a bright day for Peachtree City. Vote Christian Lukjan for City Council Post 4 on Nov. 8, 2005, and advance with me, into a better.

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