Make exercise a family affair

Thu, 01/26/2006 - 4:36pm
By: The Citizen

Lifting weights
By Bob Grimson
Special to The Citizen

It’s important for parents to exercise, not just for themselves but to benefit their children as well. Children watch and learn from parents.

If children pick up the idea that exercise is an exciting part of a healthy lifestyle that benefits them in many ways, they’re more likely to stick with it.

Families are busy and fitting in extra time for exercise can be tough. With a little planning and thought, though, you can find ways to involve the entire family in physical activity.

For parents with infants, put your child in the stroller and go for a walk. Jogging strollers also are available. These let you jog, run or walk briskly and push the stroller. Use a carrier or trailer to take your child on a bike ride.

For parents with toddlers, use a back carrier. This lets the child be close to you and the added weight will help you burn calories. If your child has started walking, go for a short walk together but be aware that little legs aren’t up to speed for long, fast strolls yet. Turn on the music and dance. Toddlers love to dance, and it’s even more fun when parents get involved.

If your children are older, try rollerblading or skating together. Be sure to use helmets and protective pads to keep everyone safe. Play catch or a ball game in your yard. Get neighbor children or friends involved to share the fun. Take a hike or a bicycle ride in the park or on a nature trail. Let your child help with the gardening or yard work. This will give them experience as well as exercise and give the two of you quality time together.

For parents of teens, there are plenty of activities to share exercise and time. Take a walk together every night after dinner or get a membership at a health club or gym and work out together several times a week. Play sports such as tennis or golf, or go bowling with your child. Participate in fun runs or fundraising walks for local groups. Not only will you benefit from the physical activity, but you’ll help your community as well.

People need exercise at all stages of their lives. Being a good role model for your child will show them the importance of staying active and there’s the added bonus of spending time together as a family.

It’s true that the family that plays together, stays together!

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