Some thoughts on county’s sloppy paving cleanup and SPLOST

Tue, 08/26/2008 - 3:02pm
By: Letters to the ...

I have come across what I believe to be a solution to Fayette County’s developing financial dilemma, the budget shortfall and raising taxes.

A few weeks ago the county was doing road-paving work on a neighboring street adjoining our clean and pristine subdivision. They proceeded to use our entryway to park and turn around their work trucks. This left a sloppy mess and tarred tracks creating an obvious eyesore.

I called the road maintenance department on behalf of our homeowners association after they left without cleaning it up. I was assured that they would return to clean it. I assumed they meant that day. After a few calls and more promises they would definitely be out before the end of the week. By noon Friday it was obvious that they were not going to keep their promise. The secretary said they had gone for the weekend when I called.

I then proceeded to email and forward the pictures of the ugly mess to the Fayette County director of public works. The following week he said the following: They were not going to clean it up. That they leave it up to the rain. They do not have the time or resources as they are too busy. It’s rained several times and is still plainly visible.

After doing a little research I discovered about the SPLOST program. Basically a temporary 1 percent added sales tax on Fayette County citizens to maintain and pave roads and highway projects where needed, it totals $115 million of income for its budget.

I then proceeded to get an estimate of $825 for the clean-up and sent the invoice to the director, asking him to deduct it from their budget for clean-up and repairs. He said there was no budget for clean-up or repairs.

Typical government hack response on every point. No accountability, broken promises and taxpayers end up with substandard work and overpaid administrators.

Here’s what I say is a win-win solution. Discontinue all roadwork with the exception of Ga. Highway 74 and the new bypass. Roll over the millions of dollars saved to the schools and county deficit. Hire a private contractor to finish these two projects. Get the county out of the paving business and sell off their equipment (except for filling potholes) and buy new instruments or cheerleader uniforms for the schools.

That way the county and board of education solves their financial crisis. We don’t have to pay higher property taxes and then drop the proposed additional sales tax in November. The bypass gets done professionally in half the time and at less expense and the slow mess at Hwy. 74 magically disappears. Then we can drive around in less traffic with no sloppy tar track eyesores, our school band and cheerleaders will look great and we can be proud of our Fayette County.

Michael Meyer

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