Wildcats baseball players play Santa at Christmas

Tue, 01/24/2006 - 4:54pm
By: The Citizen

This was the second year that the Whitewater High School Wildcats’ baseball teams adopted a local family for Christmas. Head Coach Frank Dixon, plans to continue this project each year as a way to say “thank you” to the community which has been so supportive of Wildcats baseball.

Several of the baseball players, including Justin Carpenter, Jordan Elder, Josh McDonald, Nick Rosa, and John Smithson, gathered in Coach Dixon’s classroom after school one day to help wrap toys. The gifts were delivered to three very precious little girls by Ashley, Carpenter and Rosa. Pitching Coach Chuck Whitley, also assisted and spoke with the adopted family wishing a Merry Christmas from the Wildcats’ baseball teams.

This year’s project was, again, a huge success with donations that were received from baseball players and also students from Coach Dixon’s health classes. Approximately $600 in cash and gift certificates were collected along with the many individual gifts that were donated. Thank you to all those who helped the Whitewater Wildcats’ baseball teams share the true meaning of the Christmas Season with a very special family.

The Wildcats will kick off the 2006 baseball season with a home game on Monday, Feb. 27 against Starr’s Mill at 5:30 p.m.

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