
Tue, 01/24/2006 - 4:52pm
By: The Citizen

Can’t stop eating? Maybe your problem is an emotional one

By Barbara Quinn
Knight Ridder Newspapers

She eats because she’s hurting and food provides a small amount of comfort. He stares at his food — unable to eat — as he tries to figure out why his circumstances have suddenly become so bleak. She tries to eat away her pain. He just wants to sleep.

Why is it difficult to eat normally when life attacks? We don’t fully understand how stress causes some to take comfort in food and others to reject it. One factor, according to experts, is how our mind perceives certain events and how our body then responds.

When we eat normally, nutrients enter our bloodstream and send signals to our brain through various nerves and hormones. As our stomach fills with food, stretch receptors tell the brain “we’re full down here, better stop eating.” When nutrients are used up, other chemical messengers stimulate our appetite to seek food.

We don’t always pay attention to these signals, however. Endorphins that send pleasure signals to the brain at the sight, smell or taste of food may trigger some to overeat during times of stress. Others may react to neuropeptide Y — a chemical in the brain that causes a craving for carbohydrates (sugars and starches) and triggers the body to store fat.

Traumatic events cause the release of epinephrine, or adrenaline — the flight or fight hormone that floods the body with quick energy to run away or stand up to bad situations. Those who run on adrenaline during stressful times may lose their appetite and not be able to eat normally.

Whether we eat too much or not enough in response to stress, physical activity is the key. Chemicals released during exercise turn off inappropriate hunger signals and curb the desireeat to from boredom, anxiety or depression. Activity can also help stimulate a poor appetite.

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