War on Georgia?

I want to thank Rick Ryckeley for his article on the Georgian/Russia war. I can't begin to tell you how I laughed when I read his article, not only because his sentiments were funny, but because I myself shared those same thoughts.
Having recently relocated here from the north, my initial thoughts were "What have we gotten into by moving here? How can big, bad Russia target some little insignifigant state in America? What in the world has Sonny Perdue done to make them so mad?"
O.K., I admit now that those thoughts seem ridiculous, but I would never admit to them until reading his article. And, when I shared this with my husband, he too laughed and admitted the same initial thoughts.
How many of us intelligent, well educated Americans shared these same brief moments until logic and details made us realize that we are not that Georgia.
I probably would never have admitted to or shared my stupid thoughts had this article not been printed. My husband has admitted the same.
Thank you for this cute little article that has probably caused many chuckles and confessions.

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