Wingo’s CPA license expired more than 2 years ago

Tue, 06/17/2008 - 3:48pm
By: Letters to the ...

Wanting to be an informed voter, I decided to check the credentials of a couple of people running for office. Imagine my surprise when I checked with the Secretary of State’s office ( and found that contrary to his advertisements, George Wingo is no longer a CPA.

It seems that his CPA license expired on Dec. 31, 2005, and according to Georgia Law, no person can use the CPA designation unless he has both a certificate and holds a “live permit.”

The Georgia Code (O.C.G.A. 43.3.32 (f), further states that the use of such designation may be “a false, fraudulent, misleading, deceptive or unfair statement or claim ...” when it “... Is intended or likely to create false or unjustified exceptions or favorable results ...”

It appears to me that is exactly what he is doing: fraudulently representing himself to create favorable election results.

This lapse in judgment cannot be minimized or explained away as a mere oversight. His license is not current and has not been for almost three years.

Yet, every campaign sign and magnetic car sign fraudulently implies that his license is current and in good standing.

Since a tax commissioner in Georgia is not required to hold a CPA license, what does he feel the need to mislead the voters about it? I, for one, am concerned about the credibility of someone who would stoop to this type of deliberate misrepresentation.

Surely a complaint should be filed with the state Ethics Board about this apparent violation. But in the meantime, he blatantly continues to misrepresent his credentials during his bid for re-election.

If Mr. Wingo is concerned about setting the record straight, I believe he should immediately remove false signs, correct his literature and issue a letter of correction to the press.

To me, doing anything less could be seen as deceptive intent.

Surely, Fayette County taxpayers deserve better.

Sharon Snyder

Fayetteville, Ga.

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