Damaged courthouse tree to be removed

Thu, 06/12/2008 - 3:09pm
By: The Citizen

A large oak tree on the southeast corner of the historic Coweta Courthouse square will be removed this week. The tree was damaged in a May thunderstorm. The tree, a water oak, lost a very large limb in the storm.

Coweta County Public Information Officer Patricia Palmer said the falling limb damaged a neighboring magnolia tree as well. The tree, which has been inspected by several local arborists, shows decay and structural damage.

“The removal of this tree is absolutely necessary because it is structurally unsound. The arborists who have looked at it have been clear and unanimous - It is dangerous to people and property and should be removed,” said Palmer.

The county will soon receive a report from a landscape architect as part of the adaptive reuse plan for the courthouse. This report, along with reports from several arborists on the health of the remaining trees, will be used to make a recommendation on the planned landscaping for the courthouse.

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