Jensen-Linton announces for Post 3 school board

Tue, 06/03/2008 - 4:14pm
By: Letters to the ...

My name is Carol Jensen-Linton and I am running for the Fayette County Board of Education, Post 3.
Many members of our community have encouraged me to run for the School Board because of my volunteer work in the schools and my involvement in the community. We have a good school system; however, we can make it better. I believe that I have the experience, knowledge, and skills to help make that happen.
I moved to Peachtree City in 1995 with my husband Ron Linton and our son, Adam, from Texas. We chose Fayette County because of the school system’s reputation and the community spirit.
Adam attended Whitewater Middle School where I served as PTO newsletter editor and then, president. When Starr’s Mill High School opened, Adam was a freshman and I spearheaded the formation of the PTSO, serving as its charter president, then fund-raising chair, and a final term as president. I served as recording secretary for the Panther Athletic Booster Club.
Since Adam’s graduation in 2001, I continue to volunteer at Starr’s Mill. I keep the book for the varsity boys’ basketball team as well as sponsor the “Juice Plus+ Golden Basketball Award” for the varsity teams. Ron and I recently completed our eleventh year as statisticians for the varsity football team. Last year, we hosted Amilie Peersen, from Norway, for the entire year and she graduated in 2007.
My involvement at the county level has been ongoing. I encouraged the formation of a PTO/PTSO Presidents’ Council for the entire county. We pushed forward the need for full-time clinic nurses in all of our schools. I served on the county’s facility equity committee and toured every high school. We made recommendations to upgrade the facilities at McIntosh and Sandy Creek. We also recommended ways to fine-tune the Sandy Creek blueprint which was implemented in the construction of Whitewater High School.
I utilize my educational and work experiences daily. My B.A. in psychology and sociology from the University of Nebraska and a master’s degree in social work from Tulane University are valuable assets in my business activities.
I am the area manager and club director for New Neighbors League of Peachtree City. I have welcomed more than 4,000 families to the greater Peachtree City area in the past 12 years. I am a sales coordinator with Juice Plus+ and certified health educator for the Great American Health Improvement Project.
Our family is active at Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church and I serve on the Internship Committee and as a Bible study leader.
I am a member of the Fayette County Chamber of Commerce, the American Business Women’s Association, and the Atlanta Southern Crescent Alumnae Panhellenic Association. I volunteer for the Breast Cancer Survivors Network and am on the steering committee for the annual Holocaust Remembrance Service in our community.
What prompted me to run for the Fayette County Board of Education? I am committed to assisting our good students and schools to become great. I believe in being accessible to everyone who cares about our schools and encourage email and telephone contact. Communication between school board members and the community is an area of needed improvement.
I would like to be your personal link to the board. As a community, we need to ensure our school board maintains its status as a Board of Distinction. Key issues to be addressed include:
• Providing a world-class education by maintaining and improving our technology-based education that will prepare our children for the global marketplace.
• Improving our wellness and nutrition programs since they play a key role in the health, well-being, and performance of our students and staff.
• Developing energy-savings plans in our buildings and transportation to offset soaring fuel costs.
• Exploring more ways to ensure that our tax dollars pay for students who are legally eligible to attend Fayette County schools.
We feel privileged to have been a part of the Fayette County community. All of my family members are products of public education; we believe that it provides a quality education that will prepare all children to compete in a global economy.
As a candidate for Post 3, I believe I can make a positive difference by serving as a school board member. I ask that you vote for me on July 15 for the Fayette County Board of Education, Post 3.
I welcome any comments or input from the community. You may email me at or view my website: Together, we can make a difference in Fayette County Education.
Carol Jensen-Linton
Republican candidate for Fayette County Board of Education, Post 3
Peachtree City, Ga.

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