Fishcapade fishy; PETA does many good deeds

Tue, 01/17/2006 - 4:46pm
By: Letters to the ...

Let me begin by saying that, yes, I am a member of PETA and am dedicated to animal rights, but I am not always the first one to agree with PETA tactics. Which is why I was disturbed by the letter sent in by Mr. Suchomel.

As a member of the PETA organization, I have never before heard of any “fishcapade” and am wondering where Mr. Suchomel saw this and why he assumed it is so harmful to future generations of Americans.

Like I said, I am not always in line with the more drastic measures PETA takes but I am supportive of their messages. They do not harm future generations, only seek to inform them.

And, yes, PETA also works towards human rights goals. Compassion for one, compassion for all. What is more harmful to future generations is ignoring the societal problems out there.

PETA chooses to focus on those concerned with animal rights mainly because it is indicative of larger problems. For example, they work to impose harsher sentences for people convicted of animal cruelty. If a person can so easily harm an animal, than they are more than capable of harming humans (in criminology, this is called the graduation hypothesis for which there is compelling support).

Dahmer, DeSalvo (the Boston Strangler), Kazinsky. They all have one thing in common, one thing most people are unaware of: they were all notorious animal abusers.

And we’re not just talking kicking puppies. We’re talking impaling heads on sticks, setting dogs on fire, sticking fire crackers in cats’ rectums and lighting them.

Furthermore, in a house with both children and pets, if the pets are being abused then it is almost certain the children are too. Domestic abusers commonly prey on pets. Catch them for one crime, catch them for the other. Check out the research. I recommend studies by Hensley and Wright and Hensley and Tallichet.

Anyway, yes, their advertisements are often gory and yes they can be disturbing, but that is why they have separate Web pages for children that are much more tolerable.

But take note of the gore and what causes it; they don’t make this stuff up. And their actions are not irresponsible; occasionally nutty, yes, but never irresponsible.

You may not agree with them, but they do more good than many organizations. Take a look at their Web site: it is not all sensationalism. There is suffering out there in the world most people wouldn’t dream is possible. Watch a vivisection video; they can reduce grown men to tears. If you think the circus is fun, watch a video on how they train elephants with hooks and cattle prods.

You may not agree with what PETA does, the issues they support, but never say that they are irresponsible or incorrect. Check their facts; they are not wrong. Again, they do not make this stuff up.

Take the time to actually check out the PETA site before you condemn it. Look at their long-term plans and goals. Do not judge because you do not agree with their cause or their radical actions. Look at what they present you and then check it against other resources, other organizations. You will be amazed at the good they do for both mankind and animal-kind. Compassion for one, compassion for all.

Liz Haren
empress_liz85 (at)

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