Highway grass cutting begins

Thu, 05/29/2008 - 3:12pm
By: The Citizen

The grass growing season is upon us and Coweta County has begun its yearly time of cutting rights of way to maintain the safety of our roadways. The Coweta County Road Department maintains a regular route that is followed, insuring that all county roads are cut on a regular basis, said county Public Information Officer Patricia Palmer. Four cutting crews, running three bush hogs each, cover the route. The crews cut rights of way on county roads from May through the end of October or early November.

These crews work a four day work week as part of a county pilot program to help conserve gasoline and improve efficiency, Palmer said. They work 10-hour days Monday-Thursday allowing them to take advantage of the longer daylight and to make the best use of fuel resources. In addition to mowing rights of ways, Coweta County uses a spray program to help limit tall growing weeds and keep a safe sight distance at some intersections in the county.

Anyone noticing a county road with a safety issue caused by tall weeds or grass is asked to call the Coweta County Road Department at 770-253-0794. The Coweta County Road Department does not generally maintain rights of way on state or federal highways.

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