Make lights flash at night

Tue, 05/06/2008 - 4:00pm
By: Letters to the ...

I read your article in today’s paper about the traffic lights on Ga. Highway 74 with bemused interest.

I would argue that most of the traffic lights in Fayette County would qualify as “stupid” lights.

Leaving from the movie theater at the Pavilion late at night, I’ve sat many times at the lights going south on Ga. Highway 314 waiting for the lights to cycle through at 11 p.m. like they would at 5 p.m.

I’ve sat at the protected left turn light trying to get into the Publix in PTC on Hwy. 54, and while there is absolutely no oncoming traffic, I can’t turn because the arrow is red. My point is, why doesn’t the county DoT set the traffic lights to flashing yellow/red, except for major intersections (i.e., 54/74, 54/85) during the overnight hours.

Why do we need red light arrows at intersections like White Road/Hwy. 314 or the aforementioned Publix? It makes sense at major intersections like 54/74, but not so much at the Publix.

Thanks for bringing the Hwy. 74 light issue to, er, light. Please explore some of these other issues too.

Keith Hoffmann

Fayetteville, Ga.

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