Bulger signs with Georgia Tech

Tue, 04/29/2008 - 10:18am
By: The Citizen

Landmark's Kaity Bulger

Kaity Bulger a senior at Landmark Christian School, and resident of Peachtree City has signed a scholarship to run Cross Country and Track for Georgia Tech. Bulger lettered all four years at Landmark on the Varsity Cross Country and Track teams. She currently holds the record as the Individual State Champion in both the 800 meter and the Pole-Vault. She holds the Landmark school record for the 5K, 1600m, 3200m, and 800m and is the 2008 region champion in the 3200 meter, 1600 meter, pole-vault, four-by-one and four by four events.

On the cross country team, Bulger was named a member of the Atlanta Track Club’s Cross Country Women of the Year in 2006 and 2007. She is one of the twelve 2008 honorees of the Sports Champions of Greater Atlanta selected from over 140 applicants and was also given the Coach Dooley Award at a recent Atlanta Braves Game. In the classroom Bulger has maintained a 3.77 GPA. She is a member of the BETA Club, National Honor Society, and Honor Roll. Bulger has also received several academic awards including the High Achievement Art Award, National Society of High School Scholars Nominee, and Wendy’s Heisman 2007-2008 Nominee.

Finally, she has given back to her community by tutoring Campbell Elementary school students, being a student aide at Landmark, and serving on five mission trips to Cherokee, NC. She will be attending Georgia Tech in the fall where she will run cross-country, indoor and outdoor track.

Bulger is pictured (front row, center) with her parents Kelly and Eric Bulger. Behind her are Landmark Christian School Cross Country and Track Coach Bill Thorn (L) and Assistant Track Coach Roby Ross.

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