Churches of race

Am I to understand that like historic black colleges, we also have primarily black churches? Just as a handful of other races occasionally attend a black college, a few other races attend white churches, and a considerable quantity attend white colleges.
I have never been in or heard of the workings of Muslim, Hindu, or Buddha places of worship, but there doesn't seem to be any mixing.

Now, all of that above doesn't interest me very much, but what has been occurring lately as to the method of worship does.
I'm not talking here about the preaching part of the service nor the constant reaction of the members to the preaching--not even the frenzy created often by the situation. This sort of thing occurs often in all races when at church--especially the Pentecostals.

What I am trying to understand is using the church for political purposes. To do that, a church must pay taxes--and they do not. For a church to make a general judgment as to the best party or person for whom to vote, violates the rule of what is Caesar's and what is not.

It seems to me that if Hillary Clinton were to attend a white church meeting and make a political speech, backed up by the church's minister, there might be repercussions!

Now I know that for years white churches preached that blacks did not belong in their church. However, several generations have now passed where that is usually not true.
At some point we must keep politics out of our churches.

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