Writers meet bimonthly at Senoia Historical Society

Thu, 03/27/2008 - 2:51pm
By: The Citizen

Beginning on March 29, the Senoia Writer’s Group will offer a bimonthly writing critique workshop for adults at 3 p.m. on Saturdays.

Rick Ryckeley, founder of the group, said in an interview, “I formed the group out of frustration. To grow as writers, we need to surround ourselves with other writers of all skill levels in order to share ideas. Attending writer’s conventions are good but can be very expensive. There was nowhere in the county to receive guidance on writing projects, much less an honest critique.”

He went on to say the group is not for the faint of heart. Each member’s material, limited to five pages, is read and critiqued during each two-hour meeting. An honest opinion of the material is given by all who attend, along with a healthy dose of guidance. The purpose is to educate writers no matter what their level so they can be better disciplined in the craft. The writer may leave a little bruised and battered, but the session will help them become a better writer.

“One of our members is a professional editor. For a reasonable charge she offers editing and proofreading services. She is a writing consultant who has helped me stay on track for the last four years. Thanks to her, my novel is under consideration by a New York agent.”

Being a member of the Senoia Writer’s Group will help improve a writer’s skills. It was established to offer encouragement and direction for the unpublished, but not to stoke anyone’s ego. Membership does have some requirements though. The writer should commit to regular attendance, bring the first few pages of something they are working on, and most importantly, check his or her ego at the door. It will be returned after the session has ended.

The Senoia Writer’s Group was formed in January and holds their bimonthly meetings at the Senoia Historical Society. The building is located at the intersection of Couch St. and Standing Rock Rd. in downtown Senoia.

The number of participants will be limited.

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