DECA Club makes its mark

Tue, 03/18/2008 - 3:18pm
By: The Citizen

Less than a year in existence and Whitewater High’s DECA Club, a student business and marketing club, has already racked up numerous awards at the regional and state level competition.

The chapter had 16 members place Top 3 at the region competition and 17 place Top 20 at the state competition with Liz Webb placing second in the Entrepreneurship Testing event and Jaimie Concord placing fourth in Job Interview. Also, chapter Vice-President Devon Lomax was elected to the state officer position of Vice-President of Finance and will work next year with officers across the state.

The Whitewater chapter also received many membership awards including Largest New Chapter in the state, Top 25 membership placing tenth in the state, 150+ chapter award, Gold Level Membership and Chapter Charter award.

DECA is a business marketing, management and entrepreneurship organization that strives to educate its members about general marketing, entrepreneurship and general business strategies and decisions. DECA aims to prepare members for future careers in general marketing and business.

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