Repair of Police Station and Tennis Center

I really thought that "millions" of dollars spent to build these facilities should make them last at least 50-75 years! I was wrong.

The repair of the Police Station, if I have read correctly, now requires that the walls now be replaced in addition to a new floor and possibly foundation! I wouldn't trust that roof either---mold up there I'll bet.
Might it also be a good idea after we remove the floor, walls and roof, to dig out the "dump" and put it into the county landfill, or make another island in the lake?
The hole where the dump was located could be lined like a swimming pool, in a drainage area, as it evidently is, so as not to leak again!
Has anyone considered sitting the new police station upon stilts, with steps and elevators up to the office? Heck, anything to keep from admitting a big screw-up!

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