Character traits and snowmen smashing

Tue, 01/22/2008 - 4:59pm
By: Letters to the ...

When you talk of character the words moral and ethical quality come to mind.

Driving around the Kedron Hills subdivision after midnight on Saturday and Sunday night smashing children’s snowmen does not qualify.

What kind of person would do such a thing? I have no idea.

The only thing I could tell my two elementary school kids was that a person with no courage, backbone, or sense of decency wanted to spread his or hers misery.

Well, it did not work. My kids have rebuilt the snowmen now for a third time. They are not discouraged by your actions. We will find out Tuesday morning whether or not you are truly completely void of any character.

It may seem trivial to some talking about smashing snowmen. It is, however, the idea of not respecting someone else’s accomplishment and/or property.

Your simple actions are what destroys a community and even a nation from within. The actions of my kids are what gives this community and this nation hope for survival. We pray that you will fill that void with something other than hate.

Paul Fink

Peachtree City, Ga.

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