Hood Avenue students sends Christmas cheer to troops in Iraq

Wed, 01/16/2008 - 11:07am
By: The Citizen

Hood Avenue students sends Christmas cheer to troops in Iraq

On Nov. 30, 2007 Hood Avenue Primary School sent care packages to 14 U.S. Army soldiers stationed in Mosul, Iraq. The packages were sent to support I Troop 3/3 ACR in care of Sgt. Christopher M. Ragsdale. This troop was deployed the first week in November and has an expected tour of 15-18 months.

Some of the members of this troop are on their third tour in Iraq, yet for many it will be their first. Requests for support were sent home with students and the Hood Avenue family immediately responded. Supplies began pouring into the office.

Students collected necessities such as deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, body wash, disposable razors, shaving cream, dryer sheets, canned air, sun screen and bug spray. They also collected wish list items such as candy, peanuts, video games, DVDs, CDs, magazines and newspapers. Nutritional and office staff as well as counselors and teachers participated as well.

“We are grateful to our troops for serving our great country at home and abroad, and we want to show our support and appreciation whenever an opportunity presents itself,” said Dr. Kiawana Kennedy, principal of Hood Avenue Primary School.

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