Reader decries judge’s ruling

Sat, 12/22/2007 - 9:44am
By: Letters to the ...

Dear Editor:

I always thought that rape was against the law. On Dec. 19 I witnessed an entire community being raped and basically told to enjoy it, because of a technicality in the minutes of the protest meeting at Fairburn City Council August 27. Judge T. Jackson Bedford was obligated to approve the proposed garbage transfer station by Walker Brothers. Our legal system no longer cares about the citizens it is supposed to protect. People, who have saved for years to purchase their homes, will see their homes depreciate to the point that their equity is greatly reduced.

A deaf ear was turned toward the people that spoke out with concerns for the environment, safety, quality of life, and traffic.

Would you appreciate living in a neighborhood that collects household garbage within a 15-mile radius? Can you imagine the increased truck traffic, odors from garbage dropped in the street and vermin enjoying a smorgasbord of scraps from a neighboring community?

Our Congressman, David Scott, was concerned enough that he appeared at the August 27 meeting and spoke to the Fairburn city council, voicing the concerns of his constituents. Although the council voted against the measure this motion and vote did not include a reason for the denial, something that Judge Bedford questioned in court.

One of the disappointments in this concern was the fact that neither the Mayor nor five of the city council was concerned enough to attend the hearing before Judge Bedford. Councilman Mario Avery cared enough to attend as well as newly elected Councilwoman Elizabeth Hurst. The non-presence of our elected officials further reduced the citizen’s voice in this matter and I cannot help but ask, how could they ignore the people that they were elected to represent and protect?

Will the stipend from the host fee, paid to the city, offset the loss of quality living, depreciated property values, and the fact that Fairburn is no longer a place to make our homes and raise our families?

Just a situation to escape from.

Sandra Hardy


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