School Redistricting

Everytime the subject of school redistricting comes up, parents resort to the overused and outdated statement of "using our tax dollars to bus students". I want to know if these tax conscious parents have ever put their child on a schoolbus. There is no schoolbus in Fayette County that goes as far as the bus I rode in elementary school and I fail to see how the taxpayer funding of schoolbuses is any more detrimental to anyone's lifestyle than all the cars lined up in front of schools twice a day to transport children whose parents refuse to put them on a schoolbus. The truth of the matter is, the opponents of redistricting are not concerned about the cost of running schoolbuses - the real issue is they don't want their kid to go to a different school, no matter what the reason is. All Fayette schools are great and all this uproar is ridiculous. Parents should be thankful this county has decent schools everywhere, not just where they live. Redistricting will benefit a lot of children and all you unhappy parents need to realize the BOE's job is to look after the best interest of all children, not just yours.

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