PR Department earns state recognition

Tue, 11/27/2007 - 4:06pm
By: The Citizen

The Fayette County School System’s public relations department has received nine awards from the Georgia School Public Relations Association (GSPRA) for distinguished achievement in writing, graphic design and electronic communications.

Entries were judged on content, writing quality, use of graphics/special effects and color, layout and design and usefulness to the intended audience. School systems submitted nominations from throughout the state for awards of gold, silver and bronze.

This year’s winning entries include five press releases that received four gold and one bronze award; three Channel 24 videos that earned two gold and one silver award and the school system’s logo that received a bronze award.

Public relations professionals in North Carolina judged the 2007 competition and were complimentary of Fayette’s work. Comments included, “inspiring and draws at the heartstrings…another great feel good piece that holds your attention…interesting and well written.”

“The main purpose of the PR department is to facilitate communication between the school system and its stakeholders; we do this everyday by utilizing a variety of mediums for both direct and mass information delivery. It is humbling to receive statewide recognition for these efforts,” says Melinda Berry-Dreisbach, public information specialist.

The public relations department has received both national and state awards for its communication materials since the office opened in 2001. All totaled, the department has been awarded 60 national and state honors.

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