Help Shop with a Cop help needy Fayette families

Tue, 10/30/2007 - 4:40pm
By: Letters to the ...

The Fayetteville Police Department is now organizing its third annual Shop WIth A Cop holiday fund-raiser.

It is a program designed to help under-privileged families enjoy Christmas dinner and purchase gifts for their family. The families are selected with the help of our local school system and other agencies.

Once the families are chosen, a background investigation is conducted by the Criminal Investigation Unit of Fayetteville Police Department.

If the families are in definite need, they will be asked if they would like to participate in the program. If they agree to participate, the children of the families will meet a police officer on a given day and be escorted to the various businesses around town to purchase food and gifts. We then help the children wrap the presents to be taken home and opened on Christmas morning.

The children truly enjoy riding in the patrol car to the different businesses and the opportunity to Shop With A Cop.

What we are requesting from you are donations of any sort (money, gift certificates, discounts, etc.) for the children to buy gifts for their family for Christmas. All of the donations are used for the children’s shopping spree and are split evenly amongst all eligible families.

The number of families we can help is dependent upon the donations received. No contribution is too small and any offer of assistance is greatly appreciated.

Last year was our third year organizing this program with astounding success. Thanks to the generosity of the local business community, we were able to assist six families with a total of 18 children.

We found that the children are eager to purchase gifts for their parents and siblings and forget about themselves. It is very touching to see a child’s face light up when they are told that they will have a true Christmas this year. The look in the parent’s eyes in one of relief and happiness that their children will have a gift to open on Christmas morning.

Please help us give to the families in our community. If you would like to make a donation please contact Lt. Chambers at 770-461-4441.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Steven D. Heaton, Chief of Police

Fayetteville Police Department

Fayetteville, Ga.

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