Questions for Don Haddix

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Dear candidate Haddix:

Please read the following and let me know exactly how much REAL RESEARCH you've done on Sany coming to town.

Or, are you just jumping to conclusions?

Please answer as truthfully as you can.

Facts on Sany:

The WORST environmental thing Sany's going to do at this assembly plant is paint the trucks.

You don't need a calculator to do the cost analysis that Mr. Haddix says is lacking. VERY FEW police and ambulance calls go to industrial plants (though there is potential for a doozy ala the recent TDK warehouse fire). Chalk that up as LOW IMPACT on PUBLIC SAFETY.

Let's see. Nine residences. Can you say LOW IMPACT on RECREATION?

Those nine residences are unlikely to bring very few if any school children into the school system. LOW IMPACT on EDUCATION!

Also, Sany will only build concrete trucks et. al. via special order. It takes ONE WHOLE WEEK to build 1 truck. LOW IMPACT on TRAFFIC; up to medium once they employ more than 100 people or so.

Haddix alleges (albeit softly) that Sany WON'T hire folks from here. State development officials have said that's not the case. They're the experts in the field and have worked with Sany on this issue for months.

Candidate Haddix: How many people have you contacted to seek REAL information about Sany?

Likely the answer is none; at least he hasn't talked to anybody in the know.

Mr. Haddix: The land was ZONED industrial to begin with and yeah, you could've B&M'd enough as a councilman about that and maybe gotten two fools to vote with you. But even if elected, YOU CAN DO NOTHING TO STOP BUSINESSES FROM LOCATING TO APPROPRIATELY ZONED LAND as long as they follow local ordinances, as Sany apparently is.

I had previously thought Mr. Haddix was going to be another Steve Brown complaining all the time about this and that. I've decided however that Haddix is different in this respect: at least Brown bothered to do his homework.

PTC folks are on the whole a bright bunch and are willing to do their homework BEFORE applying for a job. Do you contend you've done your homework on Sany, Mr. Haddix?

Or are you trying to create an "enemy" to run against in your last gasp for office?

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