Registration for New Year’s Eve race still open

Thu, 12/22/2005 - 4:14pm
By: The Citizen

If you still haven’t made your plans for New Year’s Eve, why not do something healthy, fun and very unique?

The Citizen is proud to present the first Father Time Invitational road race in Brooks, a four-kilometer race that allows runners to head into the new year at full speed. The Dec. 31 race will start around 11:45 p.m. and runners will participate on a lighted course.

There are 10 age groups for males and females, high school age and up, and there will be over $7,000 in awards and giveaways presented to participants.

The entry fee is $25 and all proceeds will be divided up among the county high schools cross country and track and field programs. It is hoped that the event will grow with each year and that soon, the race will feature the top runners from high schools all over the country. Entry forms are pouring in, as are sponsorships and volunteers, but there is still space available for all who would like to be involved. Visit for an entry form and a release or more information about how you can be a part of the last road race of this year and the first race of next year.

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