PTCPD gets traffic safety award

Thu, 09/27/2007 - 3:14pm
By: The Citizen

The Peachtree City Police Department has been awarded first place in the state for its comprehensive traffic safety program.

The award was presented to traffic Sgt. Mark Brown at the Governor’s Challenge awards luncheon recently. The department was also recognized as having the best safety program among police agencies that employ between 50-100 officers.

The department’s traffic safety program includes the use of roadblocks, saturation patrols and responding to various traffic complaints which can be phoned in at 770-487-8866 or emailed to

The department also enforces seat belt and child restraint laws, while also inspecting child safety seats to make sure they are installed properly and not out of date or subject to a safety recall. Police also have used a “smart trailer” equipped with a radar to remind motorists when they are speeding on the road, giving a visual cue for them to slow down.

In addition to the recognition, the department received $6,000 to spend on traffic safety equipment, noted Police Chief James Murray.

The money can be used to purchase equipment such as portable alcohol sensors, and one advantage is the funds don’t come from taxpayers yet will still benefit the city, Murray said.

The Governor’s Challenge is a statewide incentive program to award outstanding achievements in traffic safety enforcement and education, and departments are judged on the approach and effectiveness of their overall highway safety programs.

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