Ann Coulter lies, breeds hate, spews bitterness

Tue, 09/25/2007 - 3:06pm
By: Letters to the ...

I would like to address Mr. Johnson’s comments: Way to go! I hate to read your paper for that exact reason. I have done my very best to stop having it thrown in my yard. But since I don’t have a choice, I will give you my opinion.

You, Mr. Beverly, must like to breed hate and discordance. Don’t we not have enough hate in this world already?

Ann Coulter is a spineless, miserable human being that thrives on hate. She’s an atheist, by God, and if she’s a Christian, I guess I’m going straight to hell because I would not even sit in the same room with the woman.

She tells lies, she circumvents the truth, she’s a bitter person and you continually print her in YOUR paper. This paper is a sham. Talk about a one-sided conversation.

Mr. Johnson, don’t worry: There are more of us out there that despise her and would love to read a local newspaper daily (I would even pay for the darn thing) but I refuse to read (or) take in to my home this paper because Mr. Beverly approves of printing Ann Coulter’s column. This paper isn’t even worth putting into the recycle bin.

I just wish SOMEONE would start a newspaper for this town on a daily basis and if they have to put people with opposite opinions, more power to them. But the Queen of Mean will never be dead as long as Coulter is alive.

Vicki Harper

Peachtree City, Ga.

[The editor replies: Perhaps this reader is confusing us with another paper, which does run Ann Coulter on a weekly basis. While we do post Ms. Coulter’s column online, we have printed her column only about twice so far this year.]

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