Newspaper, business association set forum

Mon, 09/24/2007 - 8:35am
By: The Citizen

The Citizen Newspapers and the Tyrone Business Association (TBA) have joined forces to jointly sponsor the “Tyrone Candidate’s Forum.” The forum is open to the public and is October 15 at the Legacy Theater in Tyrone from 7 to 9 PM.

As a qualified candidate for the upcoming election in Tyrone, you are invited and encouraged to participate in the forum.

The forum will consist of three main periods each lasting approximately 30-40 minutes:

• Candidate statements-Each candidate will be allowed to give a three minute opening statement. We will begin with the candidates for Mayor followed by Council Post 1 and then Council Post 2. The order of statements for each post will be determined just prior to the event by a random drawing of names.

• Submitted Questions-The public will be allowed to submit questions in advance of the forum on the Citizen and TBA websites. The questions will be reviewed and edited for inappropriate language. Mr. John Thompson of the Citizen Newspapers will read the questions and ask follow-up questions in this part of the program. Candidates will be asked to limit their responses to no more than two minutes to maximize the number of questions and responses.

• Questions from the Floor-The public will be given the opportunity to sign up at the meeting to ask questions. Questions will be asked in the order of sign up and each question will be limited to one minute. Candidates will be asked to limit their responses to no more than two minutes to maximize the number of questions and responses.

This forum will give the citizens of Tyrone a unique opportunity to hear directly from the candidates their positions on issues critical to the future of the town. Everyone is encouraged to attend this important event.

You can submit questions by emailing them to You can also visit the Tyrone Business Association at

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