Pay to park

Mon, 12/19/2005 - 9:59am
By: Ben Nelms

Violators will soon be paying higher fines in Fairburn

Parking violations on Fairburn streets are on the rise. And so is the price of fines resulting from them.

Council members Dec. 12 took the advice of the city’s Municipal Court judge, court clerk, public services director and police chief who, according to a letter from City Administrator Jim Williams, came to an agreement that fines and penalties for parking violations needed to be increased to try to deter the rapid increase in parking violations within the city.

Council members agreed, adopting a fine structure that significantly increases first and second offenses and assessed late fees. the effective date of the new fine rates was Dec. 13.

First-offense fines for overtime parking and prohibited parking increased to $25 from $10 and the old fine for parking in a fire lane increased from $20 to $40. Though formerly unspecified as to the amount of the fine, new amounts of $25 will be enforced for blocking sidewalks, facing traffic, street obstruction and illegal parking.

Fines for second offenses were put on solid ground compared to the unspecified amount used in the past. No longer variable, a fine of $50 will be imposed for over time parking, prohibited parking, blocking a sidewalk, facing traffic, street obstruction and illegal parking. Also seeing an increase was parking in a fire lane, set at $80, and parking in a handicapped area, now set at $100.

Fines for late fees showed the most dramatic increase of the three categories. What was a $5 fine for late payment for over time or prohibited parking or blocking a fire lane jumped to $100 and the former $10 late fee for parking in a handicapped space is now $100. And the former unspecified penalties for blocking a sidewalk, facing traffic, street obstruction and illegal parking is now assessed at $100.

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