Middle school student wins national reporter search

Tue, 09/11/2007 - 3:33pm
By: The Citizen

Soon kids from all around the southeast will welcome a Fayette sixth grader into their homes as she reports on important local and regional events for Time for Kids (TFK) magazine and TFK online.

Virginia Lambert, a Fayette Middle school student and daughter of Al and Bridget Lambert, has been selected as one of just 10 reporters to join the magazine’s 2007-2008 news team through the TFK Kid Reporter Talent Search. She will cover local and regional stories from September 2007 to August 2008.

“I’m so happy for her,” says Martie Johnson, an enrichment teacher at Spring Hill Elementary, Virginia’s former school. “She has always said she wanted to be a news reporter so this is a great first step to building an incredible resume.”

Virginia entered the contest in June by writing an article, “Summer ’06 Stinks,” about the onion smell Fayette and Fulton County residents experienced from the Phillip Service Corp. plant in Fairburn, GA. A panel of TFK editors judged her article on creativity, originality, grammar, spelling, clarity and newsworthiness and awarded her a slot as a top 20 finalist.

As a finalist, Virginia completed a telephone interview and was asked to submit a video clip and a final written assignment. Finalists are judged on poise, articulation and on-camera presence demonstrated in their video clips and interviews, and on the quality of their reported and written work.

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